Thursday, January 26, 2023

Socorro Trails & Trailhead Plan out for Public Comment

The BLM has been working diligently to expand and formalize our Socorro area trail network and they've put out the trail plan for public comment. This is a critical juncture - we need as many supportive comments on the trail plan as possible to make this happen

The plan is expansive - it formalizes and develops the Socorro Single Track segments that are on the BLM, adds new trail loops connecting off Blue Canyon Trail and around the Box, and even formalizes the Chupadera Crossing Loop too. We'd protect what we have today and get 20 miles of new hike/bike/equestrian trails and up to five developed trailheads if this goes ahead!

Please submit feedback; you can submit your comments here: 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Gramont Peak is Official

Gramont Peak was officially named in late 2022 after Bertrand (Bert) Gramont (1958-1996) who was a Tech graduate student (MS 1990 in E&ES) and also the climbing instructor.  Bert was from France, and he helped introduce safe sport climbing to The Box with bolt-protected routes.  The BLM recently marked the peak, so make sure to go sign in on the peak log. You can also add your own contributions for way-markers to popular climbing spots 😄

There's a nice little article in the Defensor Chieftain about it if you're interested.